New v0.9.2 Beta Release

Motivated to get the the finish-line, we’re adding the cherries on top and perfecting the flow of gameplay. Here are just a few of the latest updates in preparation of public release..

  • Press ‘g’ to change the Ground and Scene around the table
    • Currently 13 different environments to switch through to personalize the scene to your preferences
    • Scenes include Mountain Terrain, Dojo, Barn, Ruins with Columns, Western Porch, Toxic Silo, Gazebo, Balcony, House, Colosseum, Little Planet, etc.
  •  Press ‘ ‘ ‘ Apostrophe (or from side menu) to bring up the Environmental Panel to modify the Board, Table and Scene
  • Added more Tables to switch and positioned existing tables better
  • Appearance Preferences are saved, so when you exit and restart the game, the combination goes back to the last selections
  • Fully implemented Auto-Login when you check Remember Me, so it will automatically log you in when starting the game
  • Sign-Up form fully functions, so it creates a user account on that stores your information on registration
  • Better Move Helpers when selecting a piece, changes possible move highlights to quickly show safety of moves.
  • Fixed bugs when changing Practice Game Players to customize the colors, sets and orders easily
  • Updated Control Help box with all the current keyboard shortcuts you need to know
  • Pause time and sky while in practice game and open a menu screen

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